Statement from Jake Durr Regarding Team Limits, Minimums, and "Co-op"

Posted on Wednesday, September 11, 2024

In the past, when team counts were at a number below 4, larger teams were asked to split so a game could be started. At my discretion, the newly split parties could be within close proximity with the promise to not pool answers, have discussions in formulating answers, and hoard all available chances to win prizes.

Effective today, Wednesday, September 11, 2024, team splitting will no longer be enough to get a contest underway for any Sporcle game night that I host, unless a venue gives a green light to proceed. Substitute hosts also reserve the right to enforce their own policies.

In addition to Sporcle's posted game rules that are read before every game, below are some revised guidelines by which the games I host will be carried out moving forward:

  1. Four teams (three of which must have 2 or more players) must be present to get a Pub Quiz or OpinioNation game underway. For Sporcle-sanctioned Bingo games, a minimum of 7 players (devices) must participate.
  2. Teams that normally sit and play together on the same team are welcome to split, but may not count toward the aforementioned conditions for firing off a game.
  3. Teams that normally sit together, but elect to play on opposing teams for OpinioNation games will be welcome to do so. However, please understand that if you opt to go this route, only one prize is likely to reach your collective group's table in order to keep the opportunity to win prizes as balanced as possible. This is at the discretion of both me (the host) and venue management, and remember: Unlike Pub Quiz, shouting out answers to be goofy and/or throw other teams off, as well as using online resources, in OpinioNation is actually permitted, and, at times, encouraged.
  4. Pub Quiz teammates-turned-competitors are not allowed to sit at the same table.
  5. Sporcle policy states that there are no limits for team sizes for any offseason or regular season games. However, Venue Championship games are limited to 6 players per team, and Globe Games (regional contests) are limited to 5 players per team.
  6. Venue management reserves the right to enforce team player count limits that do not fall below 5 players.
  7. Venue management reserves the right to green light any contest that does not meet conditions outlined in #1. I (the host) or venue management can also alter the distribution of prizes for any green-lit game that falls below the 4 team threshold outlined in #1.
  8. At the discretion of me (the host) and venue management, prizes may be passed on to the next highest-scoring team(s) below any teams that exhibit behaviors in violation of these guidelines.

I appreciate everyone's cooperation moving forward. We come to these events to have a good time, and we ultimately need to not lose sight of that fact. 🙂

Good luck, and have fun!

Jake Durr
Sporcle Events Host

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