ModNetMC to Feature the Akron Rubber Bowl

As many of you all out there know, I am a student at the University of Akron. You also know, based on my home page, that I am in the process of getting my small Minecraft Network back up and running under ModNet after about a two-year hiatus.
Of course, I am aware that in order for this aspect of ModNet’s services to be successful it will have to provide a unique and interesting series of elements that will make the player want to play it.
The Akron Rubber Bowl Stadium, which hosted Akron Zips football games among other sorts of popular events, currently sits empty with vandalism and the elements taking a significant toll on the structure. I have been paying multiple visits and doing randomly intentional drive-by acts to catch a glimpse since I first learned about it in 2014. I find it to be a very neat place, and I really wish I’d have gone to a few Zips games in or before 2008 to experience what it was like when it was open. Of course, I was still in middle school and not even thinking about places to go to college at the time, though.
ANYWAY, in efforts of making things interesting, I’ve decided to include the Rubber Bowl as one of the new areas to explore in the game. What purpose will this new in-game landmark serve, you ask? Well, that’s for you to find out later, but soon! It is of my hopes that this and many other news things I intend to add to the game will intrigue a bigger number of people to play come the time when 2017 rolls around. I began throwing this particular idea around about a few weeks after this semester began and laid the first block down on September 20th.

Constructing the stands was definitely the most time-consuming and tedious process of the entire project.

Stay tuned for more ‘stuff’ from yours truly. I intend to update this a lot! One more thing; if you want to help build or pitch ideas for ModNetMC, contact me! Have a great weekend!