“The Voice of Ohio’s Pride!”
Jake Durr | Posted on |

AKRON, OH-- During my 4.5-year collegiate career, I had the privilege of performing in, leading a section in, and representing "Ohio's Pride" - The University of Akron Marching Band. To say the least, this prominent student organization is vastly responsible for shaping me into the person I am today.
Since my graduation in December of 2018, I've also assisted with certain marketing efforts for the UA School of Music, producing both still graphics and videos for the bands & choirs, including a certain heartfelt message from the faculty. Today's announcement marks the beginning of a new chapter, a particularly huge next step in my involvement with The University of Akron.
I'm extremely proud to announce that I have now taken on a new official role as "The Voice of Ohio's Pride!"
Watch the teaser below, and GO ZIPS!
See you on #ZipsGameday!